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"I curse fate for saddling me with such a stubborn creature!"

At Faye's stunned look, Rune realized his words.


--- Rune Sacarlay, the Shadow Prince,

Ruler of Hell.


Pin her and take her throat. Show her who will master her.


--- Rune's bloodlust called the Ra'Voshnik who Faye affectionately names Voshki.

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--- Vashien, once served among the dark courts as an executioner and consort, now he tries and fails to keep Sparrow out of trouble.

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Faye's lips parted as he stood to his full height.

He does think I'm his, and he looked furious for it.


--- Faye Alexander, Anarian mortal.

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--- Sparrow Alexander, Familiar raised in Anaria with her adopted sister Faye.

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--- Sadi Benevolence, Familiar princess and seer to the Shadow Prince.


--- Damian De Lor Meire, Familiar warrior dismissed from The Order

Art by Tonyviento on instagram

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