"I curse fate for saddling me with such a stubborn creature!"
At Faye's stunned look, Rune realized his words.
--- Rune Sacarlay, the Shadow Prince,
Ruler of Hell.
Pin her and take her throat. Show her who will master her.
--- Rune's bloodlust called the Ra'Voshnik who Faye affectionately names Voshki.
--- Vashien, once served among the dark courts as an executioner and consort, now he tries and fails to keep Sparrow out of trouble.
Faye's lips parted as he stood to his full height.
He does think I'm his, and he looked furious for it.
--- Faye Alexander, Anarian mortal.
--- Sparrow Alexander, Familiar raised in Anaria with her adopted sister Faye.
--- Sadi Benevolence, Familiar princess and seer to the Shadow Prince.
--- Damian De Lor Meire, Familiar warrior dismissed from The Order
Art by Tonyviento on instagram